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This video is about two churches that were moved from one street across town to another street in Hartford, CT. The Unitarian Church of the Savior (built in 1846) was moved in 1860 from Trumbull Street to Sigourney Street to become Trinity Episcopal Church. It was torn down in the 1890s. The Gleenwood Congregational Church (built in 1897) was moved in 1907 from Laurel Street to Park Street and Park Terrace, where it was renamed Pilgrim Congregational Church. In 1914 the congregation dissolved and the church became St. Paul’s English Lutheran Church, which later merged with Trinity Lutheran Church in 1943 to become Grace Lutheran Church. The former church building was then home to the French Social Club, which replaced it in the 1960s.

There’s a higher quality picture of the moving of the Glenwood Church in 1907 here:

The church had to be moved over the Laurel Street Bridge which had undergone repairs earlier that same year:…

The site where the church was moved to is now a housing development:

In the video I use a section from the Hartford Atlases of 1880 and 1909. The 1880 Atlas can be found here:…

The 1909 Atlas can be found here:…

Grace Lutheran Church is here:

The French Social Circle is here:…

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New Video: Two Churches That Were Moved in Hartford, CT (1860 & 1907)