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This video is about a long lost bank building and two stones lions that are now in front of the Arch Street entrance of the Municipal Building in Hartford, Connecticut. Between 1817 and 1964, there were four successive versions of the Phoenix National Bank building on main Street, across from the Old State House. The stone lions started out along the roof line of two wings that were added to the original Phoenix Bank in 1827. When the second Phoenix Bank was built in 1873, the lions were moved to the sidewalk in front of the building. There they remained until 1912, when the city ordered them removed for encroaching on the sidewalk and they were transferred to the Municipal Building. The second Phoenix Bank was remodeled with a totally new exterior and rear addition in 1905 and the final version of the bank was erected in 1924. It was torn down 40 years later.

I have written posts about the first three Phoenix National Bank buildings on this website:

Phoenix Bank (I), built 1817:

Phoenix Bank (II), built 1873-1874:

Phoenix Bank (III), built 1905-1906:

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New Video: The Phoenix Bank and the Two Lions