Buildings Index
Broad Street
49 Stephen Willard House (1837)
56 Capt. Charles Bulkeley House (1764)
85 Wellington MacDonough House (1937)
106 Benjamin Bulkeley House (1792)
118 Frederick Bulkeley House (1825)
126 Stephen Bulkeley House (1850)
132 Robert Robbins House (1792)
138 John Chester Tavern (South Half) (1735)
165-167 James R. Anderson House (1878)
168 Allyn Smith House House (1790)
185 Silas W. Robbins House (1873)
188 William Morris House (1890)
200 Dr. Abner Moseley House (1800)
226 Ezekiel Williams House (1759)
241 Hale-Newson House (1725)
246 Ezra Webb House (1730)
249 Buttolph-Williams House (1711)
Church Street
25 Edward Shepard House (1807)
59 Joshua Adams House (1891)
207 (1880)
Cove Park
Cove Warehouse (1690)
Garden Street
25 John Chester Tavern (North Half) (1735)
32 Former Sacred Heart Church (1880)
49 Richard Bunce Tavern (1800)
116 Michael Griswold House (1730)
Griswold Road
176 Griswoldville Chapel (1872)
Hartford Avenue
56 William Meggat House (1886)
120 Capt. James Francis House (1793)
194 John Francis, Sr. House (1764)
220 Solomon Welles House (1774)
270 Capt. Charles Francis, Jr. House (1799)
311 Frank S. Brown House (1880)
337 Albert Morgan House (1900)
381 Joshua Stoddard House (1737)
400 Sgt. John Deming House (1667)
408 Capt. Josiah Buck, Jr. House (1774)
411 Daniel Buck House (1775)
Jordan Lane
146 Roger Butler House (1769)
Main Street
109 Josiah Wright House (1799)
125 David Wright House (1791)
126 Capt. George Latimer House (1770)
130 Methodist Church – Temple Beth Torah (1824)
133 Capt. Ashbel Wright House (1766)
136 Wethersfield Grange Hall (1898)
141 John Loveland House (1740)
150 Old Academy (1804)
161 E.G. Robbins House (1790)
184 Chester Bulkeley House (1830)
200 Keeney Memorial Cultural Center (1893)
203 Silas Deane House (1766)
211 Joseph Webb House (1752)
212 Hurlbut-Dunham House (1804)
215 Isaac Stevens House (1789)
222 Deming-Standish House (1787)
245 Masonic Temple (1922)
249 Simeon Belden House (1767)
250 First Church of Christ (1761)
260 John Williams House (1832)
275 Baptist Church – American Legion Hall – Griffith Academy (1874)
276 Dr. Erastus Cooke House (1855)
290 Rev. James Lockwood House (1767)
297 Henry Stillman House (1872)
300 Trinity Episcopal Church (1871)
311 High Street School (1862)
319 Capt. Francis Bulkeley House (1750)
320 Edward Robbins House (1861)
330 Capt. Allyn Stillman House (1766)
340 Capt. Timothy Stillman House (1750)
341 Capt. John Bulkeley House (1820)
357 Capt. Daniel Francis House (1803)
366 Ebenezer Talcott House (1750)
370 David Talcott House (1822)
373 Capt. Jesse Goodrich House (1818)
400-402 Porter-Belden House (1755)
468 Nathaniel Stillman House (1743)
471 Dr. Daniel Hooker House (1725)
481 George Hubbard House (1637)
484 Samuel Woodhouse House (1748)
490 Capt. Caleb Griswold House (1734)
505 Samuel Latimer, Jr. House (1775)
520 Samuel Boardman House (1769)
527 John Latimer House (1690)
Maple Street
117 Thomas Harris House (1755)
204 Amasa Adams House (1770)
Marsh Street
26 Capt. Gershom Nott House (1760)
36 Peter Burnham House (1767)
Middletown Avenue
212 Warner Homestead (1750)
355 Benjamin Adams House (1760)
Nott Street
248 Deacon Simeon Francis House (1800)
Prospect Street
76 Joseph Adams House (1795)
150 Wethersfield United Methodist Church (1959)
Railroad Place
7 Wethersfield Railroad Depot (1871)
River Road
5 Samuel Woodhouse, Jr. House (1783)
Somerset Street
84 Corpus Christi Church (1939)
Warner Place
27 Appleton Robbins House (1760)
Wells Road
99 Elisha Stillman House (1775)
193 Little Red Schoolhouse (1869)
480 George Wells House (1830)
491 Deacon Chauncey Wells House (1770)
Wolcott Hill Road
329 Josiah Wolcott House (1754)
371 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (1958)
381 Maj. Samuel Wolcott House (1750)
401 Josiah Robbins House (1800)
431 Charles Wolcott House (1840)
517 Samuel Dix House (1764)
646 Martin Wells House (1800)
670 Thomas Wells House (1774)
Wethersfield Historical Society
Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum
Buttolph-Williams House (CT Landmarks)
Town of Wethersfield, Historic Properties Inventory
Wethersfield Inscriptions (1899), by Edward Sweetser Tillotson
History of the Webb House (1919), by Mrs. William H. H. Smith (Juila Welles Griswold)
The Bucks of Wethersfield (1909)
The River Towns of Connecticut : a Study of Wethersfield, Hartford, and Windsor (1889), by Charles M. Andrews

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