The Amasa Adams House, built in 1770, is on Maple Street in Wethersfield. In 1760, Amasa Adams became a part owner in the old Chester Mill, on Two Stone Brook in the Griswoldville section of Wethersfield. Begun by Leonard Chester in 1637, the mill became known as Adams Mill in 1782 and was run by Amasa and then his sons, John and Joshua Adams. Serving as a cider, lumber and grist mill, the Adams Mill survived into the twentieth century.
Amasa Adams House (1770)
This is my Great Grandfathers (6) Home . I am related through my Great Grandfather, DR. Clive Adams Moore . It obviously looks like a private residence , wondering if there is any time it can be viewed ?
I know the current owners & can contact them for you.
Hi , Thanks , contacting the owners would be great . I am not looking to impose , but it would be cool to see inside ! If you could contact me via E-Mail that would be fine . Thanks Mike