Mystic is not an incorportated town, but is a village and census-designated place divided between the towns of Groton and Stonington (the villages of Mystic River and Mystic Bridge respectively).
Buildings Index
Church Street
29 Benjamin F. Holmes House (1855)
30 David N. Prentice House (1849)
33 Francis H. Rogers House (1846)
35 Capt. Joseph W. Holmes House (1851)
Clift Street
2 Capt. Waterman Clift House (1837)
Cottrell Street
1 Whaler’s Inn – Hoxie House (2002)
Denison Avenue
36 Colby-Tripp House (1864)
61 Ebenezer Morgan House (1853)
East Main Street
23 Mystic Post Office
35 St. Patrick’s Church (1909)
43 Mystic Congregational Church (1860)
56-58 Dr. J. K. Bucklyn, Jr. House (1890)
62 Allen Avery House (1892)
Elm Street
9 Leonard W. Morse House (1855)
Gravel Street
3 Capt. John Anthony Wolfe House (1809)
5 First Church of Christ Scientist (1820)
7 Masonic Temple (1911)
9 Capt. George Wolfe House (1818)
11 Capt. Avery Brown House (1812)
15 Edgecomb-Gates House (1835)
17 Henry Holdredge House (1835)
19 Capt. John E. Williams House (1861)
21 Denison-Smith House (1840)
23 John Gallup House (1837)
27 Daniel R. Williams House (1834)
29 Capt. John Appleman House (1837)
31 Thomas Eldredge House (1842)
Greenmanville Avenue
54 Frohsinn Hall (1906)
62 Joseph S. Williams House (1899)
71 Langworthy-Allyn House (1820)
75 George Greenman House (1839)
75 Clark Greenman House (1841)
75 Thomas S. Greenman House (1842)
High Street
76 Portersville Academy (1839)
92 Hannah Fish Brush House (1854)
119 Union Baptist Church (1829)
134 Amos C. Tift House (1851)
159 Captain William E. Wheeler House (1853)
169 John Heath House (1862)
193 Capt. William Clift House (1838)
Jackson Avenue
2 Francis Manning House (1882)
Library Street
40 Mystic & Noank Library (1894)
Mystic Seaport
American Seamen’s Friend Society Sailor’s Reading Room (1841)
Boardman School (1765)
Buckingham-Hall House (1760)
Burrows House (1825)
Charles Mallory Sail Loft (1830)
Children’s Museum (John Edmondson House) (1860)
Colegrove Building (1952)
Cooperage (1842)
Fishtown Chapel (1889)
George H. Stone & Co. (1850)
Greenmanville Church (1851)
H.R. & W. Bringhurst Drugstore and Doctor’s Office (1953)
James Driggs Shipsmith Shop (1885)
Mildred C. Mallory Building (1963)
Mystic Bank (1833)
Mystic Seaport Lighthouse (1966)
Plymouth Cordage Company Ropewalk (1824)
Thompson Exhibition Building (2016)
New London Road
2 Lyman Dudley House (1810)
North Stonington Road
72 Elias Brown House (1833)
Park Place
1 John Prentice House (1860)
3 William Cann House (1860)
5 John Prentice House (1853)
Pearl Street
6 Allen Avery – Welcome Fidler House (1879)
15 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (1867)
17 Allen Avery House (1874)
18 John Batty House (1842)
28 Parmenas Avery House (1880)
32 James Gallup House (1854)
43 Milton H. Ricker House (1869)
44 Thomas Ryley House (1859)
56 Rev. Erastus Denison House (1851)
Pequotsepos Road
120 Denison Homestead (1717)
Stanton Place
5 John Havens Sawyer House (1835)
Water Street
15 The Emporium (1859)
West Main Street
1-17 Gilbert Block (1907)
54 Mystic River National Bank (1931)
West Mystic Avenue
6 Capt. Henry S. Stark House (1852)
8 Albert G. Stark House (1850)
9 (1889)
13 Chapman House (1840)
Whitehall Avenue
42 Whitehall Mansion (1771)

Mystic River Historical Society
Mystic Seaport
Denison Society and the Denison Homestead Museum
Mystic Aquarium