
Buildings Index
(Scroll down for Pawcatuck & Old Mystic; see also Mystic)

Broad Street
22 St. Mary Church (1901)

Cannon Square
2 Gilbert William Collins House (1853)
4 Ocean Bank (1851)

Church Street
20 Fellows-Haley House (1771)
27 Calvary Episcopal Church (1849)

Hancox Street
14 Rose Cottage (1886)

High Street
12 Capt. Jessie Beebe House (1765)
20 Stonington Free Library (1900)
25 Ira H. Palmer House (1847)

Main Street
1 William Pendleton House (1831)
7 Gurdon Trumbull House (1837)
16 Stonington Custom House (1827)
24 Capt. Amos Palmer House (1787)
25 Oliver Smith House (1761)
26 Portuguese Holy Ghost Society and Club of Stonington (1836)
32 Dr. Lord’s Hall (1765)
33 Williams-Pendleton House (1848)
35 Harris Pendleton House (1850)
39 Charles Phelps Williams House (1840)
44 Edmund Fanning Birthplace (1761)
52 Thomas Howe House (1790)
53 Joseph and Benjamin Eells House (1787)
67 United Church of Stonington (1834)
69 Dr. Silas Holmes House (1787)
83 Zebulon Stanton House (1786)
85 Horace Niles Trumbull House (1860)
87 Benjamin Pomeroy House (1853)

North Main Street
229 Linden Hall (1857)

Northwest Street
19 Billings Burtch House (1780)

Palmer Street
40 Capt. Nathaniel B. Palmer House (1852)

Union Street
6 First Baptist Church of Stonington Borough (1889)

Water Street
7 Stonington Harbor Lighthouse (1840)
35 Elkanah Cobb House (1769)
61-65 The Arcade (1837)
87 Rev. John Rathbone House (1775)
105-107 James Merrill House (1901)
168 Peleg Hancox House (1848)
170 Sarah Potter Denison Palmer House (1833)
176 Ephraim Williams House (1840)


Courtland Street
37 Halsey A. Burdick House (1915)

Greenhaven Road
565 Greenhaven Inn (1901)
576A Stanton-Davis Homestead (1670)

Lester Avenue
3 (1857)
8 Noyes Farmhouse (1840)
15 G. T. Loomis House (1905)
27 Freestone House (1900)
30 William Towers House (1928)
39 Westerly-Pawcatuck Seventh-Day Adventist Church (1927)

Mechanic Street
47 (1845)
55 Peleg S. Barber House (1840)

Moss Street
2 (1870)
22 Ray Green House (1874)
25 Herbert L. Hoxie House (1898)
27 A. G. Martin House (1902)
35 Henry S. Gavitt House (1905)

Palmer Street
7-9 Campbell & Babcock Mill House (1910)
15 Whistle Stop Restaurant (1935)

West Broad Street
117 George Greenman House (1898)
122 Loudon’s (1880)
131 West Broad Street School (1900)
140 Frankenstein-Hemphill House (1887)
151 (1865)

Old Mystic

Main Street
26 John Hudson House (1791)
24 Enoch Burrows House (1791)
39 Old Mystic National Bank – Indian and Colonial Research Center (1856)
44 Old Mystic United Methodist Church (1851)
52 Old Mystic Inn (1784)

Mystic Bridge

Church Street
29 Benjamin F. Holmes House (1855)
30 David N. Prentice House (1849)
33 Francis H. Rogers House (1846)
35 Capt. Joseph W. Holmes House (1851)

Cottrell Street
1 Whaler’s Inn – Hoxie House (2002)

Denison Avenue
36 Colby-Tripp House (1864)
61 Ebenezer Morgan House (1853)

East Main Street
23 Mystic Post Office
35 St. Patrick’s Church (1909)
43 Mystic Congregational Church (1860)
56-58 Dr. J. K. Bucklyn, Jr. House (1890)
62 Allen Avery House (1892)

Greenmanville Avenue
54 Frohsinn Hall (1906)
62 Joseph S. Williams House (1899)
71 Langworthy-Allyn House (1820)
75 George Greenman House (1839)
75 Clark Greenman House (1841)
75 Thomas S. Greenman House (1842)

Jackson Avenue
2 Francis Manning House (1882)

Mystic Seaport
American Seamen’s Friend Society Sailor’s Reading Room (1841)
Boardman School (1765)
Buckingham-Hall House (1760)
Burrows House (1825)
Charles Mallory Sail Loft (1830)
Children’s Museum (John Edmondson House) (1860)
Colegrove Building (1952)
Cooperage (1842)
Fishtown Chapel (1889)
George H. Strong & Co. (1850)
Greenmanville Church (1851)
H.R. & W. Bringhurst Drugstore and Doctor’s Office (1953)
James Driggs Shipsmith Shop (1885)
Mildred C. Mallory Building (1963)
Mystic Bank (1833)
Mystic Seaport Lighthouse (1966)
Plymouth Cordage Company Ropewalk (1824)
Thompson Exhibition Building (2016)

North Stonington Road
72 Elias Brown House (1833)

Pequotsepos Road
120 Denison Homestead (1717)

Stanton Place
5 John Havens Sawyer House (1835)

Whitehall Avenue
42 Whitehall Mansion (1771)


Stonington Historical Society

Stonington Village Improvement Association

Stanton-Davis Homestead Museum

The Indian & Colonial Research Center


(Mystic is divided between Groton & Stonington)

Mystic Seaport

Denison Society and the Denison Homestead Museum

Mystic Aquarium


History of the Town of Stonington, County of New London, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1649 to 1900 (1900), by Richard Anson Wheeler

The Homes of our Ancestors in Stonington, Conn. (1903), by Grace Denison Wheeler

Stonington by the Sea (1913), by Henry Robinson Palmer

Old Stonington in Connecticut, 1649-1949, and the Fannings, the Winthrops, Captain Kidd, Captain Palmer, and others (1949), by Laurence F. Whittemore

The Defence of Stonington (Connecticut): Against a British Squadron, August 9th to 12th, 1814 (1864), by James Hammond Trumbull

The History of the Pequot War and Battle of Stonington (1893), by George W. Lewis

The Stonington battle centennial; a record of the celebration of August eighth, ninth and tenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen (1914)

History of the First Congregational Church, Stonington, Conn., 1674-1874 (1874), by Richard A. Wheeler

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