Miscellaneous Buildings, Part Five

Blinn House, built in 1785 on Ferry Lane in South Glastonbury

24 Broadway, Colchester

On Saybrook Road in Higganum

In Noank

In Litchfield

58 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel, built c. 1845

154 Greenwood Ave. in Bethel, built in 1927

155 Greenwood Ave. in Bethel, built c. 1845

A house in Chester

A house in Noank

A barn in Chaplin

A house on Main Street in Enfield

Darragan Building and Larue Building (1891)

The adjacent buildings at 238 and 240-242 Main Street in Danbury were built simultaneously in 1891-1892. The Darragan Building (on the left in the image above) was designed by local architect Joel Foster in the Romanesque Revival style with terra cotta tile decoration around the arched windows. In 1913 the building was acquired by the Danbury and Bethel Gas and Electric Light Company and sold in 1965. It currently has businesses on the ground floor and apartments above. The Larue Building next door, at 240-242 Main Street, was designed by Leoni W. Robinson of New Haven in a similar style with brownstone window ornamentation.

Dr. Charles H. Gilbert House (1856)

A 2001 walking tour of Main Street in Portland by Doris Sherrow (which I can no longer find online) lists the house at 576 Main Street as the home of Dr. Charles H. Gilbert with a construction date of 1856. It also explains that Gilbert married one of the daughters of Rev. Hervey Talcott, who lived next door at 572 Main Street. According to genealogical sites, it was Charles Henry Gilbert‘s father, Dr. Gershom Clark Hyde Gilbert (1817-1889) who married Rev. Talcott’s third daughter, Harriette in 1845. Dr. Talcott left Portland in 1867, later living for periods in Waterbury, Hartford and Westbrook.

New Video on Hartford’s Old East Side: Market Street (west side between State Street and Talcott Street)

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This video is about buildings and businesses that have existed on the west side of Market Street, between State Street and Talcott Street in Hartford, Connecticut. This area, including the adjacent Kinsley and Temple Streets, was once the location of A. Squires & Son Grocery store, Blodgett & Clapp iron merchants, the D’Esopo Bank, the original home of the Hartford Stage, and Hartford’s old Greek Revival-style City Hall, later the site of Police Headquarters. In this vicinity in 1937 a dramatic engineering project moved an 8-story building 125 feet from behind G. Fox & Co. to the rear of Brown-Thomson Co. There is also a former church on Market Street that is the only building there that survives from the nineteenth century.