Frank S. Brown House (1880)


The Queen Anne style house of Frank S. Brown, on Hartford Avenue in Wethersfield, was built sometime in the 1880s. Brown was a Hartford merchant who, in 1866, joined with James M. Thomson and William McWhirter to form the dry goods firm of Brown, Thomson & Co., which became a major New England department store. Brown retired from the company in 1890 and in 1893 the house was sold out of the Brown family. Ellsworth S. Grant, the Connecticut historian, former mayor of West Hartford and brother-in-law of Katharine Hepburn, was later born in the house. In 1920, Minnie Pricone and Mary Rometta, with their husbands and families, moved into the house. They owned the Marie Phillips Dress Company and tailoring work was done in the basement area of the house.

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Amasa Adams House (1770)


The Amasa Adams House, built in 1770, is on Maple Street in Wethersfield. In 1760, Amasa Adams became a part owner in the old Chester Mill, on Two Stone Brook in the Griswoldville section of Wethersfield. Begun by Leonard Chester in 1637, the mill became known as Adams Mill in 1782 and was run by Amasa and then his sons, John and Joshua Adams. Serving as a cider, lumber and grist mill, the Adams Mill survived into the twentieth century.

Joshua Adams House (1891)


The Queen Anne-style house of Joshus Adams, on Church Street in Wethersfield, features wood shingles and a sunburst pattern in the front gable. Generations of the Adams family of Wethersfield were involved in various forms of woodworking: Josha Adams was the great-great grandson of Amasa Adams, who owned a half-interest in the Chester Mill, afterward known as Adams Mill, at Mill Woods (PDF).