William and George Gould were prolific builders in Bridgeport who constructed the renouned George Hotel and St. Mary’s By The Sea Church (neither of which remains standing today). The brothers lived in a double house they built at 119–121 Seabright Avenue in Black Rock in 1875. George sold his north half to Hugo Keller in 1901 and William sold his south half to Joseph Smith about 1906.
William and George Gould House (1875)
my name is Roman Brunner and now i am a arichtecture student from Austria. During my enducation i have a projekt about the east Bridgeport district so if it possible to get more facts (text / plans / pictures)about the buildings in detail from William and George Gould House (1875)i would be happy.
Thanks for your help.
Best greetings
Roman Brunner
You can contact me. Robert Halstead. I was very involved with the restoration of many of the historic homes on the East Side. One of them, 269 Barnum Avenue is the same style architecture as this one on Beacon St.
I grew up in this house. 121 Seabright Ave . My grandparents owned it. I lived there from 1979 to 1992 with my mother and grandparents. My mother and I moved a few streeet over to fayerweather terr. I was at the house almost eveyday, and still called it home. We had family holidays there up untill they sold it. My grandparents sold their half sometime early 2000s.(I can’t remember the exact year).
My parents bought this house, (121) in 1962 from the Keller’s. It had been vacant for 15 years prior due to probate issues. I grew up there until 1983. I recall 15 foot ceilings, coal furnace, and walls insulated with horse hair glued to the slats. My parents sold it in 2002. If not for the prohibitive taxes, my wife and I would have bought it. Looking back, huge reget.
My great grandparents lived at 121 Seabright; Frank and Maud Lynt in the 1930’s. I don’t know how long they lived there or if they even owned the house. Is there any way to find out?
Cool house.Grew up down the street and remember being in it a few times.