The house at 206 Main Street in New Hartford was erected in 1815 a tavern by the Wilcox family. This section of town would become a center of industrial activity between 1847 and 1863, when an iron foundry was in operation. The area was known as the Furnace District or Puddletown, named for the method of iron production called puddling, in which bar iron was produced from pig iron. The Puddletown iron foundry burned down in 1863 and was not rebuilt because it employed an expensive, labor intensive process that was being superseded by more modern methods of iron refining. The tavern is now a private home.
Wilcox Tavern (1815)
I am a descendant of Henry Wilcox, who came over from England in 1630. He was in Dorchester, Windsor then Simsbury CT. Is this the same family? and where is New Hartford?
thank you,