Universal Food Stores was an early grocery chain that had branches throughout southeastern Connecticut. Most of the stores had individual owners who joined a cooperative agreement to sell goods wholesaled by Yantic Grain and Products Co. of Norwich under the Universal banner. A surviving Universal Food Store in Noank closed in 2011. Another Universal Food Store, located at 15 Palmer Street in Pawcatuck, had closed many years before. It was housed in a 1935 building that still has its peaked gables, a feature used on many of the stores. The building is now the Whistle Stop Pizza Restaurant.
Whistle Stop Restaurant (1935)
How does one post photos to this website? I would like to show photos of a 19th century glassworks that is still standing, along with many of the homes built by the company for its workers.
Thank you,
Diane Tobin
Hi. I see that you don’t update your page too often. I know that writing content is boring
and time consuming. But did you know that there is a tool that allows
you to create new articles using existing content (from article directories or other blogs from your niche)?
And it does it very well. The new articles are high quality and pass the copyscape test.
You should try miftolo’s tools