In 1893, the citizens of Unionville petitioned the state legislature to create a fire district for their community. The founding of the Unionville Fire District led to the creation of the Tunxis Hose Company and the construction of a Queen Anne-style fire house, begun in 1893 and completed in the following year. Located at the corner of Lovely Street and Farmington Avenue in Unionville, the Tunxis Hose Fire House was in use until a new building was constructed in 1960-1961. The old building, next used by the Town of Farmington as a storage facility for its files, has recently been restored with assistance from architect Tim Eagles.
I would like to contact Daniel, the website publisher of HistoricBuildingsCT.com
We are interested in using prints of some of the Historic Buildings in Farmington to display in our waiting room
Please contact me at the above email to discuss this possiblilty further.
Thank you