At 3 Devotion Road, at the intersection of routes 14 and 97 across from Scotland Green in Scotland, stands the Tracey-Watson House. Once used as a tavern, it was built for Lemuel Pettengill circa 1760. The house is currently home to the editorial offices of Tea A Magazine. There is also an historic barn on the property.
Tracey-Watson House (1760)
Most likely the correct spelling of Tracey is TRACY. Most of the Tracys in New England are descendants of Thomas Tracy (1610-1685) who was a founder of Norwich, Conn. and Stephen Tracy (1595-1655) who arrived at Plymouth, Mass. in 1623 on the “Anne.” The Tracy for which the Tracy-Watson house is named may have been Zebadiah Tracy (1760-1831) who was born in Norwich (a descendant of Thomas Tracy) and died in Scotland, Conn. Or, perhaps, one of his children. I’d like to obtain more information on this if anyone has it. Thanks, Martin