Buildings Index
Church Street
15 New Preston Congregational Church (1853)
East Shore Road
17 Harry O. Erickson Pavilion Hall (1897)
Green Hill Road
12 Salem Evangelical Covenant Church (1889)
78 St. John’s Episcopal Church (1917)
82 Samuel Leavitt House (1790)
84 Dr. Harry E. Stewart House (1915)
86 Canfield-Turner House (1795)
Judea Cemetery Road
142 Calhoun-Hollister-Anson-Solley House (1866)
Kirby Road
6 First Congregational Church of Washington (1801)
6 Judea Parish House (1874)
10 Stone Store – Church House (1773)
16 The Abbey (1819)
Nettleton Hollow Road
230 Samuel Nettleton House (1814)
New Milford Turnpike
247 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church (1822)
250 Tomlinson House (1860)
New Preston Hill Road
100 Old Stone Church (1824)
Parsonage Lane
4 (1790)
Wykeham Road
5 Gunn Memorial Library & Museum (1908)

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