Buildings Index
Center Street
100 Wallingford Bank and Trust Company (1931)
114-116 (1896)
586 Wallingford Grange Hall (1933)
Christian Street
242 Atwater Homestead (1774)
302 Atwater Cottage (1760)
333 Choate Rosemary Hall: Hill House (1911)
333 Choate Rosemary Hall: Memorial House (1921)
333 Choate Rosemary Hall: Seymour St John Chapel (1924)
333 Choate Rosemary Hall: Archbold Building (1928)
333 Choate Rosemary Hall: Paul Mellon Humanities Center (1938)
333 Choate Rosemary Hall: Paul Mellon Arts Center (1972)
Clintonville Road
892 Old Gungywamp (1670)
899 John Barker House (1756)
Hall Avenue
37 Wallingford Railroad Station (1871)
43 Hall Elton Building (1847)
Harrison Road
310 Willoughby Williams House (1755)
Jones Road
40 Theophilus Jones House (1740)
New Place Street
8 Yalesville United Methodist Church (1899)
31 octagon house (1856)
37 octagon house (1857)
North Elm Street
38 Porter Cook House (1789)
43 John Hall House (1789)
North Colony Street
68 Most Holy Trinity Church (1887)
North Main Street
9 Wallingford First National Bank (1921)
33 William Wallace Block (1857)
60 Former Wallingford Public Library (1899)
65 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (1868)
114 First Baptist Church of Wallingford (1870)
121 Wallingford Armory (1920)
245 Charles Tibbits House (1891)
538 Nehemiah Royce House (1672)
Quinnipiac Street
240 St. Casimir’s Polish National Church (1916)
340 Wallace Silversmiths Administration Building (1920)
Scard Road
1370 Samuel Simpson House (1840)
South Cherry Street
9 Wallace Hose Company (1895)
South Main Street
35 First National Bank of Wallingford (1882)
45 Wallingford Town Hall (1916)
45 Judd Carriage House (1887)
104 Rev. James Dana House (1760)
153 Franklin and Harriet Johnson Mansion (1866)
158 Joseph and Annie Plum House (1750)
180 Samuel Parsons House (1759)
198 Augustus Hall House (1760)
238 Rev. Samuel Street House (1673)
337 Giles Hall House (1760)
Thorpe Avenue
Samuel Thorpe House (1701)
Tuttle Avenue
1640 Thaddeus Cook House (1758)
Wallingford Historical Society
Wallingford Preservation Trust
Notable Historic and Architecturally Significant Homes
Choate Rosemary Hall
History of the Wallingford Disaster (1878), by John B. Kendrick
Souvenir History of Wallingford, Connecticut, 1895 (1895)
Two Hundred and Fiftieth Birthday Anniversary of Wallingford, Connecticut, September 4, 5, 6, 1920; Official Program (1920)
Please note Choate Rosemary Hall does not allow people onto its campus if you do not attend school there. They also don’t allow photography we were stopped by security and told this upon entering the property in the afternoon/around 6pm.