Buildings Index
Bank Street
15-23 Lawrence Hall (1920)
39 Capitol Theater (1921)
42 National Whaling Bank (1833)
43-47 Lawrence R. Shea Building (1903)
57 Royal Hotel (1897)
61 New London City National Bank (1905)
79 Capt. Giles Harris House (1844)
90 (1860)
111 Bulkeley House (1790)
138 Franklin Smith House (1840)
150 Custom House (1833)
165-167 (1798)
169 (1890)
181 Jonathan Starr House (1790)
185 Tate Block (1890)
194 Jonathan Starr Office (1800)
207 (1901)
258 Benjamin Brown House (1833)
Blinman Street
11 Shaw-Perkins Mansion (1756)
Broad Street
45 Second Congregational Church (1868)
112 Williams Memorial Institute (1891)
Bulkeley Place
1 Bulkeley School (1873)
Channing Street
24 Morris W. Bacon House (1870)
28 Woodworth-Leahy House (1890)
Eugene O’Neill Drive
63 Savings Bank of New London (1905)
Federal Street
76 St. James Episcopal Church (1850)
68 Acors Barns House (1837)
116 Robert Coit House (1856)
127 P.C. Turner House (1849)
Franklin Street
36 Kelo House (1890)
45 Elisha Palmer Carriage House (1892)
Granite Street
17 William H. Barns House (1852)
47 Dudley House (1890)
Green Street
79 Richard Douglass House (1801)
157 Universalist Church — Apostolic Cathedral of Hope (1882)
Greens Alley
7 Rev. Samuel Seabury House (1792)
Hempstead Street
11 Joshua Hempsted House (1678)
11 Nathaniel Hempsted House (1759)
Huntington Street
10 St. Mary Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church (1876)
29 Huntington Street Baptist Church (1843)
63 Public Library of New London (1892)
70 New London County Courthouse (1784)
105-119 Whale Oil Row (1835-1845)
Mohegan Avenue
270 Connecticut College – Harkness Chapel (1940)
Pequot Avenue
325 Monte Cristo Cottage (1840)
Prospect Street
7 (1840)
17 (1845)
19 William Holt House (1845)
20 Avery Lamb House (1841)
25 (1838)
Starr Street
15-25 John Bishop Houses (1839)
28 Nehemiah Payne House (1839)
State Street
20 Nathan Hale Schoolhouse (1773)
52-56 Marsh Building (1916)
80-88 Cronin Building (1892)
128 Bacon’s Marble Block (1868)
165 Harris Building (1885)
180 Crocker House (1872)
181 New London City Hall (1856)
225-237 Manwaring Building (1913)
238 First Baptist Church (1856)
243 Lyric Hall (1898)
250 National Bank of Commerce (1922)
281 Mohican Hotel (1896)
290 Thames Club (1904)
300-310 Dewart Building (1914)
325 Garde Arts Center (1926)
Union Street
66 First Congregational Church (1850)
Vauxhall Street
22 William Albertson House (1845)
31 Frederic S. Newcomb House (1896)
42 Governor Thomas M. Waller House (1846)
Walbach Street
90 Fort Trumbull (1852)
90 Officers’ Quarters at Fort Trumbull (1830)
90 Barracks at Fort Trumbull (1830)
90 Blockhouse at Fort Trumbull (1796)
Washington Street
49 David Bishop House (1796)
62 Charles Culver House (1832)
92 William Coit House (1763)
Water Street
27 Union Station (1888)
Williams Street
183 Chester Bragaw House (1908)
613 Deshon-Allyn House (1829)
625 Lyman Allyn Art Museum (1932)
New London Harbor Light (1801)
New London Ledge Light (1909)
Surprises, Features and Facts of New London
New London County Historical Society
New London Landmarks
Hempsted Houses (CT Landmarks)
Custom House Maritime Museum
Fort Trumbull State Park
Monte Cristo Cottage (Eugene O’Neil)
Lyman Allyn Art Museum
Connecticut College
New London Northern RR
History of New London County, Connecticut (1882), by D. Hamilton Hurd
A Modern History of New London County, Connecticut, Volume 1 (1922), by Benjamin Tinkham Marshall
A Modern History of New London County, Connecticut, Volume 2 (1922), by Benjamin Tinkham Marshall
A Modern History of New London County, Connecticut, Volume 3 (1922), by Benjamin Tinkham Marshall
The Early History of the First Church of Christ, New London, Conn. (1897), by Rev. S. Leroy Blake
The Later History of the First Church of Christ, New London, Conn. (1900), by Rev. S. Leroy Blake