Buildings Index
Arch Street
285 New Britain Armory (1886)
Bassett Street
140 Erwin Home for Worthy and Indigent Women (1891)
Beaver Street
121 Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic Church (1928)
Broad Street
20 Polish Falcons Nest 88 (1923)
158 Sacred Heart Church (1904)
Camp Street
10 New Britain Seminary (1869)
Court Street
25 Frederick G. Platt House (1886)
33 Henry P. Strong House (1883)
Eddy Glover Boulevard
303 St Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic Church (1975)
Grove Hill Street
9 Frederick Whittlesey House (1881)
27 Sloper-Wesoly House (1887)
Franklin Square
77 First Lutheran Church of the Reformation (1906)
98 St. Peter Church (1900)
High Street
20 New Britain Public Library (1901)
31 Daniel Beadle Capron House (1850)
Hillside Place
1 Timothy Wadsworth Stanley House (1860)
15 Charles E. Mitchell House (1880)
27 State Normal School (1883)
Lexington Street
56 Landers House [New Britain Museum of American Art] (1910)
Main Street
69 Trinity United Methodist Church (1891)
272 Gates Building (1906)
Prospect Street
51 George Swain House (1860)
Rocky Hill Avenue
349 Francis H. Holmes House (1908)
South High Street
44 Dr. S. Waldo Hart House (1870)
South Main Street
195 St. Joseph Catholic Church (1897)
Stanley Street
1910 Armenian Church of the Holy Resurrection (1980)
1928 Noah Stanley Tavern (1754)
1939 George Francis House (1750)
Sunnyledge Street
9 James S. North House (1913)
31 Sunnyledge (1900)
32 Rogers-Cooper House (1920)
Vine Street
Jacob J. & Charlotte Ritz House (1875)
201 Harris B. Humason House (1885)
Washington Street
305 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church (1913)
West Main Street
19-21 New Britain National Bank (1927)
27 New Britain City Hall (1886)
114 New Britain Post Office (1910)
130 William H. Cadwell House (1891)
147 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (1922)
175 Lines-Curtin House (1900)
265 Temple B’Nai Israel (1929)
301 St. George Greek Orthodox Church (1951)
Winter Street
54 St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church (1911)
76 Tephereth Israel Synagogue (1925)

New Britain Station: Historical Information
New Britain Public Library Local History Room
New Britain Museum of American Art
New Britain Industrial Museum

In and about New Britain (1892)
Svenskarna i New Britain; historiska anteckningar (1911), af J. E. Klingberg
A half century of the South Congregational Church, New Britain, Conn. 1842-1892 (1893)