Buildings Index
Baileyville Road
23 First Schoolhouse (1800)
93 G. W. Miller Mill House (1850)
104 Lyman Scope Shop (1876)
148 Alfred M. Bailey House (1853)
320 William Ward IV House (1755)
Derby Road
51 Lewis Miller House (1840)
High Street
19 Chilson-Bailey House (1750)
50 Edgar A. Nettleton House (1871)
53 Martin Moon House (1866)
59 John F. Parker House (1888)
Hubbard Street
145 Church of St. Colman (1962)
Jackson Hill Road
274 Hale-Miller House (1835)
326 Hezekiah Hale House (1828)
392 Matthews-Stow House (1753)
Lyman Road
5 David Lyman II Homestead (1864)
30 Cyrus C. Birdsey House (1850)
Main Street
103 Sylvester Bailey House (1850)
112 Joseph Hale House (1820)
123 William Boardman East Boarding House (1847)
127 William Boardman West Boarding House (1848)
135 Otis Smith House (1873)
402 Middlefield Federated Church (1866)
414 Levi E. Coe Library (1893)
414 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (1862)
438 Eunice Ward House (1830)
445 Henry W. Skinner House (1860)
455 Eli Coe House (1805)
548 Andrew Coe House (1843)
671 David Lyman I House (1785)
Maple Street
18 John Wetmore House (1780)
Way Road
116-118 Miller-Abel House (1846)
Town of Middlefield History
History of Middlefield and Long Hill (1883), by Thomas Atkins