Buildings Index
Broad Street
460 First Baptist Church (1847)
474 Center Congregational Church (1830)
Catlin Street
20 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church (1867)
Center Street
35 St. Rose of Lima Church (1859)
Cherry Street
63 (1870)
Colony Street
1-3 Hall & Lewis Building (1910)
9 Styletex Building (1874, 1935)
16 Home Bank and Trust Company (1922)
21-23 Former Y.M.C.A. (1877)
39-49 Colony Building (1922)
51-53 Butler Paint Building (1894)
55 Cahill Beef Block (1902)
62 First Congregational Church of Meriden (1879)
Crown Street
22 Main Street Baptist Church – Faith Center Church of God in Christ (1868)
East Main Street
72-80 Morse and Norton’s Block (1880)
88 J. Ferry & Sons Funeral Home (1937)
112 Masonic Temple (1927)
120 Meriden B.P.O. Elks Lodge (1928)
142 City Hall (1907)
159 First United Methodist Church (1949)
175 Augusta Curtis Cultural Center (1903)
189 Isaac C. Lewis House (1868)
241 Meriden Armory (1908)
Goodwill Avenue
22 St. Joseph Church (1908)
109 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (1936)
Liberty Street
22 Old Meriden High School (1885)
North Colony Street
89 Meriden Main Post Office (1909)
677 Solomon Goffe House (1711)
Norwood Street
5-9 St. Paul’s Universalist Church (1893)
Park Avenue
54 Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church (1955)
Sherman Place
5 St. Mary Church (1912)
Springdale Avenue
159 Rosa Ponselle’s Childhood Home (1900)
Winthrop Terrace
126 A. L. Pelton House (1918)
West Main Street
29 Lewis Block (1854)
41 Meriden Electric Light Company (1923)
53-55 Yost Block (1893)
88-92 Fox Block (1905)
159 St Joseph School (1927)
215 All Saints Episcopal Church – Roca De Salvacion (1893)
424 Moses Andrews Homestead (1760)
999 Castle Craig (1900)
Meriden Historical Society
Visit Meriden’s Past
Connecticut State Police Museum
Historical sketches of Meriden (1849), by G. W. Perkins
Meriden, Connecticut, Illustrated and Descriptive (1900)
Fiftieth Anniversary of Meridian Lodge, no. 77, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (1901)
I was wondering why 70mLambert Ave is not listed as a Historic Building of Ct in Meriden? It seems it should be.
This is not an exhaustive list of historic buildings in town, but only the ones I’ve happened to have taken pictures of and written about on this site. The list can always grow to feature more in the future