Buildings Index
Exeter Road
588 First Congregational Church of Lebanon (1804)
589 Redwood (1778)
Trumbull Highway
694 Lebanon Baptist Church (1841)
780 Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. House (1769)
876 William Williams House (1748)
920 Samuel Buckingham House (1817)
921 Welles-Williams House (1712)
West Town Street
16 Dr. William Beaumont Homestead (1750)
37 Lyman House (1770)
77 Isaac Gillette House (1880)
149 Revolutionary War Office (1727)
169 Governor Jonathan Trumbull House (1735)
169 Wadsworth Stable (1820)
199 Lebanon Grange Hall (1885)
Lebanon Historical Society
Governor Jonathan Trumbull House & Museum
Jonathan Trumbull Jr. House
Early Lebanon. An historical address delivered in Lebanon, Conn. (1880), by Orlo D. Hine
Tribute to Old Lebanon; Address by Rev. Dr. Samuel G. Buckingham, of Springfield (1891)