Buildings Index
Addison Road
22-24 and 26-28 Glastenbury Knitting Company Houses (1920)
64 Glastenbury Knitting Company (1860)
Ferry Lane
78 Tryon House (1800)
87 James Hodge House (1810)
171 James Lyman Kellam House (1850)
Hebron Avenue
17 Gideon Welles House (1783)
1597 James Wright House (1761)
High Street
40 Lorin and Florence Hollister Curtis House (1840)
80 South Glastonbury Public Library (1828)
120 John Killbourne House (1740)
Hopewell Road
55 St. Augustine Church (1878)
539 (1840)
Hubbard Street
52-54 District School No. 3 (1820)
93 Hubbard House (1720)
94 David Talcott House (1795)
Main Street
100 George S. Andrews House (1878)
181 Orrin and Electa Hale House (1817)
194 Oswin Taylor House (1840)
501 Goodrich-Stratton House (1740)
620 Jehiel Goodrich House (1760)
879 Hollister-Tryon House (1736)
915 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (1838)
949 Congregational Church in South Glastonbury (1836)
972 Welles-Shipman-Ward House (1755)
1047 John Stevens House (1800)
1062 Louis Howe House (1908)
1155 Elijah Miller Tavern (1800)
1179 Timothy Stevens, Jr. House (1743)
1197 David Wickham House (1745)
1200 Samuel Sage House (1770)
1224 Bedford, Massachusetts House (1682)
1212 Joseph Stevens House (1732)
1278 Col. John Hale House (1784)
1287 Old Cider Mill (1870)
1306 Asa Miller-Lloyd Holland House (1820)
1378 Ebenezer Hale House (1806)
1381 Gideon Hale, Jr. House (1796)
1392 Gideon Kinne House (1840)
1401 Gideon Hale House (1762)
1404 J. H. Hale Office (1910)
1420 J. H. Hale House (1911)
1542 David Brainerd House (1879)
1559 William Welles House (1750)
1625 Kimberly Mansion (1725)
1626 Laurilla Smith Cottage (1857)
1665 Joseph Kilbourn House (1829)
1696 Jehiel Hale House (1795)
1715 Theodore Hale House (1745)
1803 Joseph Moseley House (1735)
1808 Timothy Stevens House (1693)
1846 Matthew Miller House (1786)
1855 William Miller House (1704)
1936 Griswold-Moseley House (1790)
1937 Captain Ambrose Nicholson House (1756)
1944 Old Town Hall (1840)
2000 Conference House (1830)
2015 Timothy Hale, Jr. House (1740)
2016 Hale-Goodrich House (1876)
2027 Hale-Rankin House (1789)
2030 John Goodrich House (1760)
2033 Joseph Wright House (1808)
2038 Roswell Goodrich House (1789)
2044 Everett Hurlburt House (1902)
2049 Douglas House (1894)
2071 William William Wickham House (1685)
2082 Nathaniel Talcott House (1745)
2094 Ebenezer Plummer House (1765)
2146 Talcott-Hollister House (1851)
2157 Glastonbury Villa (1920)
2163 Andrews-Bailey-Knox House (1840)
2169 Thomas Hale House (1760)
2183 First Church of Christ, Congregational (1939)
2190 Moseley Talcott House (1851)
2195 Benton-Hale House (1800)
2200 The Parsonage (1828)
2205 Dr. Lee J. Whittles House (1850)
2247 Harriet Welles Turner Burnham House (1879)
2252 Second District School (1906)
2300 Benjamin Taylor House (1830)
2400 Welles-Chapman Tavern (1776)
2534 Asa Welles House (1852)
2584 St. James’ Episcopal Church (1859)
Manchester Road
494 Glastonbury United Methodist Church (1886)
1918 M. C. House House (1845)
Naubuc Avenue
11-13 Richard J. Wooldridge House (1912)
40 St. Paul’s Hall (1903)
43 Good Will Grange Hall (1929)
82 Tiffany Juliet House (1865)
278-280 John Alford House (1809)
286 Curtis-Vail House (1820)
298-300 Albert Bogue House (1840)
306-308 (1805)
534-536 George Wrisley House (1820)
New London Turnpike
26 St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church (1902)
Tryon Street
9 Former Mill Office (1720)
14 John Hollister House (1649)
36 Hollister-Kinne House (1849)
58-60 Amos Hollister House (1725)
213 John Caswell House (1783)
Wassuc Road
184 Wassuc School (1840)
Historical Society of Glastonbury
Glastenbury for two hundred years: a centennial discourse (1853), by Rev. Alonzo Bowen Chapin