Buildings Index for East Hampton & Cobalt
(Scroll down for Middle Haddam)
Barton Hill Road
25 William Barton House (1765)
26 Philo Bevin House (1872)
53 William Bevin House (1757)
Bevin Boulevard
29 Henry S. Smith House (1855)
Depot Hill Road
9 James N. Tibbals (1851)
15 Tibbals Brothers Store (1871)
East High Street
1 Bethlehem Lutheran Church (1856)
Main Street
15 Horatio H. Abbe House (1865)
22 Franklin Ackley House (1872)
23 Buckland & Barton Store and Post Office (1871 & 1876)
46 Harry W. Strong House (1898)
50 Alfred Williams House (1845)
59 Congregational Church of East Hampton (1948)
142 Mayo S. Purple House (1909)
Middletown Avenue
6 Deming Sexton House (1862)
Old Middletown Road
11 William T. Tibbals House (1857)
Skinner Street
30 William E. Barton House (1855)
70 Second Henry Skinner House (1867)
South Main Street
2 Strong-Chapman House (1855)
64 Cornwell-Daniels House (1780)
West High Street
47 St. Patrick’s Church (1897)
Middle Haddam
Blacksmith Hill Road
1 Ira Lee House (1806)
Keighley Pond Road
8 James Hurlbut House (1835)
Knowles Road
2 Middle Haddam Public Library (1799)
21 Joshua and Sarah Cook House (1770)
22 Yeoman-Taylor House (1732)
25 Harriet M. Brainerd House (1886)
27 Captain John Johnson House (1795)
19 Parke-Buckley House (1770)
30 Butler-Simpson House (1838)
Long Hill Road
9 Dr. Charles L. Smith House (1829)
19 Benjamin Clark House (1827)
Moodus Road
52 Second Congregational Church (1855)
58 Capt. Elijah Johnson House (1780)
67 Capt. Ralph Smith House (1790)
94 Henry L. Stewart House (1865)
106 Jesse Hurd House (1812)
111 Abel Shepard, Jr. House (1800)
112 Bartlett Shepard House (1800)
119 Harry Shepard House (1825)
Shipyard Road
17 Parker and Judson Factory (1865)
Chatham Historical Society
Middle Haddam Historic District
“Town of Chatham” in History of Middlesex county, Connecticut (1884)