The Sloper-Wesoly House, on Grove Hill in New Britain, is a Queen Anne-style residence, built in 1887. Designed by George Dutton Rand, the house was built for Andrew Jackson Sloper, an industrialist and third president of the New Britain National Bank. His son, William Thomson Sloper, who grew up in the house and was a survivor of the Titanic, wrote a biography of his father, The Life and Times of Andrew Jackson Sloper, 1849-1933 (1949), which contains many anecdotes of nineteenth-century New Britain. The house was later owned by Dr. Andrew Wesoly, who served as an army captain in the Second World War and who, as a physician and Polish speaker, treated many of New Britain’s Polish residents. After his death, his daughters donated the house to the Polish American Foundation of Connecticut. The building is now the Sloper-Wesoly Immigrant Heritage and Cultural Center.
My suggestion would be to include an interactive map to this site so we could determine directions and distance to find these buildings.
I have created listing for some towns with addresses for each building. See the list of towns here: https://historicbuildingsct.com/?page_id=2230
This beautiful house is for sale right now!!