The Reverend Elizur Goodrich was the second minister of Durham’s Congregational Church, from 1756 until his death in 1797. He was born in Rocky Hill in 1734 and was prepared for Yale by Rev. James Lockwood of Wethersfield. Rev. Goodrich would later prepare students for Yale himself, including Eli Whitney. Rev. Goodrich was a contemporary and supporter of Ezra Stiles, minister, theologian and educator, who was president of Yale from 1778 to 1795. Both men were among Connecticut’s intellectual leaders of the time. Elizur Goodrich the minister was the father of Elizur Goodrich the lawyer and politician. The minister’s house, on Main Street in Durham, was built in 1763. Around 1840, Goodrich’s heirs sold the house to Zebulon Hale and Enos Rogers, who ran a nearby store. Zebulon’s daughter, Olive, married Watson Davis, who replaced Rogers as his father-in-law’s partner in the store. The house remained in the Davis family well into the twentieth century.
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