Nehemiah Street, a tailor, built his house on Main Street in Farmington in 1769. He was robbed and killed in 1791 in Niagara Falls, where he had driven cattle to sell. In 1829, his house was bought by Leonard Winship, a cabinet maker, who updated the house in the Greek Revival style, altering the roof and adding the attic windows.
Nehemiah Street House (1769)
My GGGGG-Grandfather was Nehemiah Street. I recently came across this photo while doing some family history research. I did not know he was murdered until recently. If you have any information on his death, I would truly appreciate hearing from you.
Very Sincerely Yours,
Kimberly King
Try this:
I am related to Nehemiah through his son Samuel Street, father of Ann Elizabeth Street, who married Deacon Henry Hart, my two times great-grandfather. Their son, David Fullerton is my great-grandfather. I have his Civil War diaries, which were written nearly in prose without any spelling or grammatical errors. He was a member of the Eagle Brigade, and participated in the frontal assalt on Vicksburg.
Hi, Do any of you have information on Sarah Street 1814-1866. I think she was related to Nehemiah but not sure how, perhaps a granddaughter. Thank you,