On the corner of West Main and Cedar Streets in New Britain is a large Shingle style house, built around 1900 by Charles W. Lines, who ran a grist mill. Lines later moved to Newington and the house was purchased by John M. Curtin, partner in a furniture dealer and undertakers company. The house was the Curtin Funeral Home until the late 1960s and today is used as office space.

An advertisement in the Official Souvenir and Program of the Dedication of the Soldiers’ monument, New Britain, Conn., September 19, 1900.
The Lines-Curtin House (1900)
The Curtin Funeral Home was owned by my ancestor, John M. Curtin. Thanks for the photo, I cam across it while researching his wife’s family.
Now, for the first time, I can see the home where my mother – Helen Elizabeth Curtin (later married to my father Francis L. Palshaw) — spent her childhood. She had two sisters, Grace and Angela, and four brothers…John, James, Edmund and Willie. Many of them are buried in a Catholic cemetary on the outskirts of New Britain.