The 1712 Holbrook-Blakeslee House is on Elm Street in Ansonia (which was then part of Derby). In 1738, it was occupied by Captain John Holbrook. He joined with seven other Anglican families to establish a church in Derby, which was constructed on Elm Street on land he donated. A larger church was later built elsewhere, but the land is still the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Rev. Richard Mansfield was the church’s first clergyman and, in 1791, Edward Blakeslee became one of his assistants. Blakeslee, who moved in to the former home of John Holbrook in 1792, was ordained priest by Bishop Seabury in 1793 and married Rev. Mansfield’s daughter, Sarah. According to The Records of Convocation, 1790-1848 (1904), “Mr. Blakeslee died on July 15, 1797, in the thirty-first year of his age. His death was felt as a personal loss by many both in Derby and wherever he was known. His clerical brethren mourned for him and grieved that his earthly ministry had so soon ended, as they had anticipated for him a brilliant future.” Rev. Blakeslee is buried in the Old Episcopal Cemetery in Ansonia. Update: here’s a recent blog post about the house.