At the corner where West Simsbury Road intersects with Cherry Brook Road in Canton stands the house (3 West Simsbury Road) built by Ezra Adams in 1795 (or perhaps as early as 1771). Adams had earlier lived on a tract across the road. The house has nails which were made in the Old Newgate Prison.
Ezra Adams House (1795)
do you have any info on the family of ezra adams? we are constructioning our family tree and we descend from an Ezra Adams and Ruth Rich. thanks for any help, T
Sorry, I don’t have any special information about him beyond what I found searching online.
hi, I might have info on his family tree if of course he is the ezra adams in my family.
In response to Tom … my mom is Deborah Lynn Adams Butler her Father is David Ezra Adams….he is a great great great grandson of David Ezra Adams that is noted on the red colonial house on the corner in North Canton/West Simsbury….my grandfather was born almost directly across the st. In the White House they had a birthing room , two brick ovens in the kitchen…I can introduce you to members of our family you may not know..I grew up on Case St. Across from Adams Everygreen Farm …Owned by Otis & Viola Adams , my grandfathers brother…my great Uncle. I was just down there showing my 16 year old daughter Hope where her Family originated in CT. I also have a daughter Grace…almost 21… we have a pretty big family tree… please contact me!!! I know we would all love to correspond…Many of us live out of state..My brother also obviously a relative…owns Silverbacks Restaurant ..& a construction company, as well as raising a family….
My email is Missyc1018@icloud.com to the folks who stated they are also related to David Ezra Adams ?