Built for Epaphras Bissell on Old Main Street in South Windsor, this was the third brick Federal style house to be constructed in the East Windsor Hill neighborhood for a member of the Bissell family. It was modeled on the two earlier homes built by Epaphras’ brother, Aaron Bissell, and by Aaron’s son-in-law, Eli Haskell. The house was later owned by Elihu Wolcott, a book merchant who added the piazza on the south elevation, and by Erastus Ellsworth, a nephew of Oliver Ellsworth and brother-in-law of Epaphras Bissell and Elihu Wolcott. Ellsworth was the main patron of the Theological Institute in East Windsor hill, which later moved to Hartford. His son, Erastus Wolcott Ellsworth, was a poet who wrote such works as “What Is the Use” and “The Mayflower.”
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