Eliakim Cook of East Windsor Hill (now in South Windsor) bought a house on Old Main Street in 1738 that had been built by Matthew Grant in 1710. Eliakim died in 1776 and in 1778 the house was rented to Dr. Primus Manumit. Formerly a slave belonging to Dr. Alexander Wolcott of Windsor, Primus was released from bondage and took the Latin word “Manumit” as his surname Having assisted Dr. Wolcott over the years in preparing medicines for the sick, he moved to East Windsor and worked as a doctor until his death in 1787. The old Eliakim Cook house was removed around 1790 when Cook’s grandson, also named Eliakim, built the current house on the lot. Not long after it was built, Eliakim sold it to his brother, Benjamin Cook, Jr. Note: This post was written on 09/02/2011 and backdated so that there would be a regular post for 04/01/2008 as well as an April Fool’s Post.
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