Daniel White’s Tavern, on Hutchinson Road in Andover, was built as a house in 1722 and was opened as a tavern in 1773 by Daniel White, who was a Coventry selectman and an army captain during the Revolutionary War. Known as White’s Tavern at the Sign of the Black Horse, the house had two inner walls on the second floor which could be swung upwards to create an enlarged ballroom. The Tavern was a frequent stopping place for the comte de Rochambeau during the Revolutionary War. He stopped there in May 1781, on his way to and from his conference with Washington in Wethersfield. Later, in June of that year, when his army camped nearby in Bolton, on its way from Rhode Island to fight in the Battle of Yorktown (and again in November, when the army was returning), Rochambeau and several of his officers were guests at the Tavern. Rochambeau was there again in 1782, when he traveled to Newburgh, New York, for his final meeting with Washington.
hi sir/mam ,my name is james holroyd i’m part of a paranormal group called east cost paranormal research team. our team investigates all historical buildings.if you go on our site http://www.ecprt .com you’ll see other historical building that we have investigated . i’m wondering if we could do some investigations in some of your buildings that are shown!!! we love history. you can reach the co founders mr. frank solyts at 401 219 -0166 or mr . joe 401 -533 8401. also you can leave a message via myself . thank you for your time james holroyd east coast paranormal research team.
Your Tavern is exquisite! Having found you on Google under historic taverns, I am planning to come for a visit to see this grand property! Thank you for your efforts in keeping it ‘olde’.
Hi, My name is Robert Steponaitis. I live right down the road, on Long Hill Road. I drove by a few weeks ago and saw the 1772 sign on the building. I also noticed the tavern sign, and googled it when I got home, and stumbled upon this. Anyway, I am a person who is in to metal detecting and have been looking for a good place to go. It would be an honor if I could metal detect here. Please give me a call if interested. 860-742-2945.