The Queen Anne-style Charles Tibbits House was built on North Main Street in Wallingford in 1891 by Gordon W. Hall as a wedding present for his daughter, Georgianna, who had married Charles H. Tibbits. Hall was a founder of the silver manufacturers, Simpson, Hall, Miller and Company. Designed by the New Haven firm of Allen and Tyler, the house was constructed by the C.F. Wooding Company of Wallingford. Sold in 1961 to a doctor who reconfigured the interior, the house has been been restored since the 1990s to be a Bed & Breakfast called the Wallingford Victorian Inn.
Charles Tibbits House (1891)
A bed and breakfast, this home is currently for sale.
Georgiana Hull Tibbit’s father was Gurdon Hull, an executive at the Simpson, Hall and Miller company and granddaughter of Samuel Simpson, founder of the company.