At 422 Main Street in Portland is a house built in 1887 for Charles L. Jarvis and his wife, Louisa. Jarvis, whose father father was secretary and treasurer of the Middlesex Quarry Company, founded the Charles Jarvis Company, now called Jarvis Airfoil. Designed by David R. Brown of New Haven, the house has recently been repainted by its current owners in authentic Victorian-era colors, which highlight the home’s decorative detailing. Here is a picture of the house before it was repainted last year:

Charles Jarvis House (1887)
I love the paint colors, which really show off the house details nicely.
I am doing reserch on New England homes for a book I’m writing and would like to know more about the Charles Jarvis house. would you be so kind as to relate to me its history? Thank you.
All I know about this house is included in the post. You cold try contacting the historical society in Portland.
I know the two guys who decorated that house.