The striking pink, Federal-style Brown-Elton Tavern, located on the Green in Burlington, was built in 1810 as the private home of Giles Griswold, a merchant. It’s design is attributed to builder David Hoadley. By 1820, Griswold had relocated to Georgia and his properties were being foreclosed. The house was soon acquired by Julius Hotchkiss, who died in 1825. His widow, Laura Hotchkiss, later sold the Tavern, which passed through other owners over the years (pdf). The building served as a tavern on the Hartford and Litchfield stage line and later as an inn along the George Washington Turnpike. It was purchased by the Town of Burlington in 1974 and is now home to the Burlington Historical Society, which is restoring the Tavern as a museum.
The old place looks great! I spent many Christmas Day’s at this old place.. My grand mother and Aunt and her family lived there for years.. Lot’s of time running around in the yard and looking in old rooms..
Are there possible plans for making it usable, for weekends, to hold a working kitchen and bathroom, and have entertainment… all profits to the Town of Burlington, for period style music and singing, and period food.
I could see this being a major draw and money making concept. I know the town of Burlington was appointed money regarding the upkeep and improvement of this tavern.
I know there is a lovely tavern in Avon, Mass called Blanchard’s Tavern. http://www.blanchardstavern.com/Tavern_Ghost.html
It is an antique building and it earns its living each weekend! And it is WONDERFUL to visit! The serving people and entertainers all wear period costumes…
I can see just such a place for the Tavern in Burlington. It would earn its keep!