The 1800 Benton-Hale House, on Main Street in Glastonbury, was built by Samuel Benton when he married Fanny Talcott. In 1838, the house was acquired by Frary Hale, “said to have been the first woolen manufacturer in Connecticut; he lived 90 years.” He also served as town clerk, 1848-1850. The house’s rear ell may be an earlier structure.
The Benton-Hale House (1800)
This home was owned by the Sullivan Family from 1911 until 2005 when it was purchased by Wayne Brubaker, who was born in Glastonbury and his wife, Patricia Brubaker. The Brubakers purchased the home for the sole purpose of rennovating it and turning it into a beautiful Bed&Breakfast which opened in 2009. It is believed that the structure was built in 1740.