The Benjamin Bradley House, on Boston Street in Guilford, is an Italian-style villa built in 1860. Benjamin Bradley was the son of Benjamin Bradley and Juliana Leete. The house’s builder was William E. Weld, who also constructed the very similar house of Julie Labadie on Whitfield Street. It has been suggested the that house may have been designed by New Haven architect Henry Austin (see A Treasury of Guilford Places (2008), by Joel Eliot Helander, p. 270).
Benjamin Bradley House (1860)
wow what a really beautiful house, is a pity as we dont really have this style of house (in wood) here in the UK.
I’m conducting some research on Benjamin Bradley, as he lived in my house in Boston, Massachusetts between 1872 and his death in 1894. Benjamin Bradley was a successful clock dealer, and his shop was at 259 Washington Street in Boston.
The census record for 1860 shows that he was already living in Boston (I believe he moved there in the mid to late 1850s). Is it then possible that this house was built before 1860, or that it was just a summer house?