The nomination for the Noank Historic District in Groton gives two names for the house at 45 Front Street: Capt. Pardon T. Brown and Luther Rathbun. The latter may be Captain Luther Morgan Rathbun (1805-1889), a fisherman. The sign on the house, built c. 1840, only gives the name Captain Pardon Brown, who was also a fisherman. A petition from 1845 concerning the Town of Groton’s purchase of an old church on Fort Hill for use as a town house was signed by Pardon T. Brown and other prominent men of Mystic and Noank. He was also one of the complainants in a claim for damages from the Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims relating to an incident from the Civil War: the fishing smack L.A. Macomber was lying at anchor off Nantucket shoals on June 17, 1863 when she was captured and burned by the Confederate Bark Tacony.
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