Rev. Frank Norton House (1876)

Built in 1876

At 210 Broadway in Norwich is the Reverend Frank Norton House, an elaborate Gothic Revival residence. Little is known about Rev. Norton. Could he be the Frank Norton listed as born in Norwich in 1844? There are also some surviving medical bills for the reverend and his wife, covering the years 1877 to 1881. He was not connected to any church in Norwich, so it is assumed he was retired when he lived in the house, which was built in 1876. The house is next to the William M. Williams House, which was built two years later.

Abra Alford House (1834)


Abra Alford was the partner and brother-in-law of the well-known chairmaker, Lambert Hitchcock. Alford’s house, at 8 Main Street, adjacent to the old Hitchcock factory in Riverton, was built in the Federal style in 1822, but underwent an extensive remodeling c. 1835-1840 in the Greek Revival style. The house’s ell dates to 1828. Hitchcock and his wife, Eunice, lived in half of the house for a time after their marriage in 1830. Abra and Eunice’s brother, Alfred, also lived nearby.