The brick house (Federal style with Greek Revival additions) at 949 Worthington Ridge in Berlin was built around 1786. It was the home of Samuel Porter (d. 1818 or 1838?), who operated a store next door and served as postmaster (the post office was kept in the store for a century). Henry N. Galpin later lived in the house and ran the store. According to Catharine M. North’s History of Berlin (1915):
This store formerly carried a line of everything that the community might need, including drugs. Physicians’ prescriptions were compounded here until, by mutual agreement, H. N. Galpin surrendered his drug department to Alfred North, who, in exchange, gave up the sale of his drygoods to Mr. Galpin. It is worthy of note that in all the years that Mr. Galpin and Deacon North were fellow merchants, there was never the least rivalry or unpleasant feeling between them. Mr. Galpin was a public-spirited citizen, ready at all times to respond liberally to every good cause. He was also a man of sterling integrity, as one, who knew him well, said, she would not fear to trust him with the last cent she owned.
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