The Masonic Lodge in Cheshire, Temple Lodge #16, was established in 1790. The Lodge has had various meeting places over the years. The current Masonic Temple in Cheshire is located at 9 Country Club Road. According to the Town of Cheshire’s Property Record Card for the building, it was built in 1900.
Masonic Temple, Cheshire (1900)
Mechling shakley Vet center needs another VHS player, as well Mr. Brady will retire this week trying to figure how to keep him in toe some of the rednecks don’t like me he keeps order here. Hbi (hysklar) . The vet chain of command is Most Worshipfuls Mr. Danny, Mr. Jimmy, and their right hands, Danny the Don, and Mike the conliglione, rickey keeps burning up the toasters so they won’t replace it with another one (can’t make toast) for in the morning (ITBWTWY”) (Sko*Dis) (Y*LEA*KOM) (NIL SPREACH AIGE ). as well Mr. Patrick is Oldest one” anglo/saxon .
Brady is The almighty Big cheese, Most Worshipful and right hands answer to him, the go to guy. Oo’UGH.