The house at 31 Tolland Green in Tolland was built in 1760 and has had a number of alterations over the years, including the addition of Greek Revival-style detailing and two Victorian bay windows. For a time in the nineteenth century, it was the home of Judge Loren Pinckney Waldo (1802-1881), who later sold it to Henry Underwood. Henry’s daughter Miriam was the last of the family to live in the house.
A lawyer, Loren P. Waldo served in various state offices. He served terms as a state representative, state attorney general and judge of probate. In 1849-1851, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives. Unsuccessful at reelection, he next served as Commissioner of Pensions under President Pierce (1853-1856) and then was a Judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut (1856-1863). He later practiced law in Hartford until his death in 1881. Waldo’s address to the Connecticut Historical Society on The Early History of Tolland was published in 1861.

Can you tell me the years that the house was a dental office?