Off Route 2 in North Stonington is a colonial house that is hidden from the highway down a long driveway (address: 41 Norwich-Westerly Road). Its earliest section dates back to c. 1685, with the main block reaching its present configuration c. 1720. Named for John Randall, it was the homestead of the Randall family. John Randall I (1629-1684), who had settled in Westerly, Rhode Island, purchased the land in 1680 and his son, John Randall II (1666-1720) built the house. His son, Capt. John Randall III (1701-1761) added to the family holdings. Later descendant Darius H. Randall (born 1823) was an abolitionist and his home was a stop on the Underground Railroad. The house, acquired by Harvey Perry in 1926, was restored about 1930 by Norman Isham, an early preservationist and co-author, with Albert Brown, of Early Connecticut Houses (1900).
William and Lucinda Clark bought the property in 1986 and the following year opened called Randall’s Ordinary Landmark Inn and Restaurant, where eighteenth-century style open hearth meals were prepared and served by staff dressed in period clothing. The property was acquired by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe in 1995 and the restaurant continued in operation until 2006. In 2015, the property was purchased by Carla and Rodolfo Bartolucci, owners of Euro-USA Trading Co. Inc., makers of organic foods under the name Jovial. Last year they opened a new company headquarters facility on the property and they plan to rehabilitate the house and other buildings on the grounds as a restored inn and restaurant.

Also on the property is a barn, moved from New York State, that was built in 1819:

I am very glad that our family homestead is being renovated by someone with both motivation and a genuine desire to preserve this house and a budget to support the plan. I am more than happy to provide historical back story for this home, my direct ancestor Stephen Randall, 2nd son of the immigrant ancestor John Randall I, lived on this property and his son Samuel was born here. From there widower Samuel wandered to the wilds of Long Island, NY. But that’s another story.
Hi this is wonderful ! My father was John Franklin Randall Sr. , a direct descendant . He told us of a Matthew Randall n his son both married into Mashuntucket Pequot Indian tribe. Some of our family have done some geanology research of family . I hope to go there some day !! How exciting!!! Agnes Randall Bella -“Aggie”
John Randall was my 7th Great Grandfather. Happy the new owners are restoring this historic landmark. Will have to visit some day!
Look up Ridge Long Island the original name was Randall. Form what I have read the Randll family owned most of the Northern Shore of Long Island. I’m not sure why the Town changed the name but didn’t change the name of Randall Road. I believe that’s why the Island in the East River has Randall as part of it’s name. I’m a Randall but from the Enos and David line. Enos was the first in my line to leave Bath England for America he married Sahra Knight who was born here in 1624. She was the daughter of Richard and Sara Knight. I’m the first David since my 3X great grandfather. My line lived in Sciute Massachusetts near the Coast and then moved into Connecticut until right before the Revolutionary War and into Northwestern NEW Jersey! When the war started my 17th and 16th great grandfather’s were assigned to the New York Regiment under Washington’s command. I have 15 year old David’s pension number and had him added to the roles of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
After the war the family moved to Cherry Tree Pennsylvania and built a sawmill and lateral moved into Northeastern Ohio and than on to Northeast Indiana where some of my family still live. Supposedly David is buried in Sturgis Michigan.
Hi guys,
It’s wonderful to see so many this page bringing to many people together.
Obviously this house has a long and storied history. Do any of you know of any records relating to it from the period of Capt. John Randall (born August 4th 1730)? Or do these records get lost in time?
I did not know that Carla had died. That is very sad. Since she had so many ideas for the restoration of the Randall Ordinary, I am wondering if her passing will affect the restoration that was planned. My husband and I have been looking forward to a trip to see the property, but we were waiting for the work to be completed. Can you tell me what is happening? My husband is a direct descendant from the first John Randall. Thank you!
Hi Dorothy , That is a good question. I reached out to Jovial via Instagram. If I remember their reply correctly,they are hoping to get back to it but did not say when.The focus is understandably on the the running of JovIaI Foods which is understandable.I too am deeply saddened by Carla’s passing. My ancestor is Benjamin Randall who was the son of John and his wife Mary Palmer Baldwin.
I am a direct descendant from John Randall Jr. He is my 6th great grandfather through my grandmother Jennie “Randall” Scott. I visited this home a couple of years ago and it was all closed up and in disrepair. Anxious to see it all redone in the future.
Hi Wayne ,
We are related through John Randall Jr as well. My Randall line goes through John Randall and Mary Palmer Baldwin’s son Benjamin who would have been your ancestor Nicholas Randall’s younger brother.
I don’t know if you know that the property in North Stonington belongs to the Jovial Foods. Their late founder Carla passed away in May of 2021 leaving her husband and daughters to run the company which is both Italy as well as Connecticut. Restoration of the Farm was Carla’s big dream. Since her passing the focus has been on keeping the company moving forward.
If I find out anything about what is going on as far as restoration goes I will post it. In the mean time , I love how this thread is bringing John Randall’s family together . Maybe what we need to do is to find a way to maintain contact with other family.
Hi cuz!
Always great to find family out there. Sorry to here about the Jovial foods owner passing. My line goes through John Randall’s son Nathan Randall and his wife Eleanor Cottrell, then his son Nicholas Randall, then his son Jason Randall, the Alfred Randall , then David Ephraim Randall, then my grandmother Jennie Randall.
Hope the renovation keeps going. Thank you for reaching out to me.
Hi Wayne,
I hope that they pick up where Carla left off with the renovations as well .She had wonderful plans for the house and had engaged the appropriate builders ,etc before she passed away. They have a property in Italy as well which is where the company started . In Italy they have a cooking school ,etc. Carla was hoping to have the same in Connecticut. If you Google Randall’s Ordinary you can find pictures of the inside of the house. I don’t know if you do Facebook but Randall’s Ordinary has a Face book page.It has information on what Carla’s plans were plus pictures .
I will be in the area next month. Does anyone know if I am able to visit the house? I would like to see it personally and maybe get a picture or two. I just lost the last member of my family and would love to reconnect with the original Randalls in some small way.
Thanks for this page!
So excited to see this history John Randall was my 9th great-grandfather John Randall 2 was my 8th grade grandfather and Captain John Billings rental is my 7th great-grandfather so I am a dread decent I understand some of the family is very there in the graveyard can anyone tell me who exactly it is that’s there
Hi Deborah, my wife and I were there on Wednesday. We met 2 other Randall’s, Vera and Jean, from Salem, Oregon while visiting the property. From the best I could make out, it looks like William A Randall, Darius Randall and Abby Randall, and two daughters Alice Amelia and Jessie Maria, are buried there. Mike, the owner of Jovial foods, met up with us and described the condition of the house and cemetery and later told us of another hidden cemetery behind the property. We searched for over an hour but couldn’t find it. Mike said there are more buried there than in the family grave. I’d be glad to send pictures and I will be updating the family tree with them as I get time. Hope this helps!
If there are pictures of the headstones i would love to have those pictures. My email is hag4fish@aol. com.
Thank you,
Wayne Randall Scott
My first daughter, Victoria, was brought to the farmhouse as her first home at two weeks. My husband at the time was a Naval officer and we rented the big farmhouse from the Perrys in 1964. Everyone worried about me when my husband went to sea; a young girl alone with an elderly boxer dog; six months pregnant and no relatives around; I LOVED IT!
I knew I was Home the minute I entered the house – it was as though I had ALWAYS lived there and every room was welcoming me back. Segue forward about 30 years – after many years has passed and much history – I found out that my family many years before had intermarried with the Randall family and this IS “the home of my soul”!
This is Deborah Randall and I would love pictures. My email address is hegghdrider@gmail.com
Thank you so much
Hi All,
My husband is a Descendant of John Randall a negro slave born about 1764 and was owned by Captain John Randall III’s family. It’s believed at the end of the Amercian Revolutionary War in 1782 he made his way to Manchester in the United Kingdom with British troops. There isn’t any evidence that he was a soldier, but he had hints of familiarity with all things military. He stole a silver watch chain and was tried in Manchester 1785 and sent to Ceres Hulk then in 1786 sent to the Alexander for transportation for 7 years to Australia. He arrived in 1788 on the first fleet. If you were to google John Randall 1st fleet you’ll be able to see all the info. I today was looking up Captain John Randall and found this site. I can’t believe I have actually seen the house and property that our John Randall would have worked and lived at, it’s truly astounding.
Greetings to Everyone,
Have recently discovered learning about my New England ancestor families, one being of the Randall clan. My Randall connection begins with my 7th great grandmother, Sarah Randall, daughter of John and Mary Baldwin. My wife and I will be in CT through the end of August and would love to visit the John Randall Home if at all possible. Is there someone to call to get permission from the owner of the property (Jovial Food). I am also finding difficult time finding a book with Randall history that discusses the Randalls from Sara backwards. Thank You.
Thanks for this page!
John Randall and Mary Baldwin are my 6th great grandparents.My wife and I went back to Stonnington CT. a couple of years ago. You can easily walk back to the house and see it. The home used to be a kind of period bed and breakfast. Here is a YouTube video showing the home when this was happening. I have quite a bit of genealogy on this line.
Wayne Randall Scott
Draper, Utah
Randall House Video
John Randall and Mary Baldwin are my 6th great grandparents.My wife and I went back to Stonnington CT. a couple of years ago. You can easily walk back to the house and see it. The home used to be a kind of period bed and breakfast. Here is a YouTube video showing the home when this was happening. I have quite a bit of genealogy on this line.
Randall House Video
Thank you Wayne for responding to my question. The link is wonderful. Sharon, your story is very cool. Thanks for sharing. To all my Randall cousins, I would love to have any John Randall genealogy/ history that you have, including material on the Underground Railroad connection and any photos mentioned above. My wife and I can be reached by email (johnson93726@hotmail.com).
Thank you sincerely,
David Johnson