John A. Woodward, a carpenter and Civil War veteran, erected the house at 235 Main Street in Watertown in 1867 (it has since been much expanded). Interesting evidence survives of a method employed to sell the house in 1880 in the form of a $1.00 share in the house, the reverse side of which reads:
Share in the beautiful residence property and lot occupied by J. A. Woodward, situated in the center of the charming village of Watertown, Conn., valued at sixty-five hundred [$6500] dollars, and also entitles the bearer to admission to a grand entertainment to be given at the warren house in that town, on Wednesday Ev., Oct. 27, 1880, at which time the residence will be delivered to the shareholders to be disposed of as they may direct
Update: Further information about the house can be found in the brochure for the 2011 Watertown House Tour. According to this document, the first people to live in the house were Eben and Margaret Atwood. Their daughter Amelia married Howard Miner Hickcox who started the Hickcox Funeral Home in 1884. It remained in the Hickcox family until it was sold to attorney Franklin Pilicy, whose 1980s addition doubled the size of the house.
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