The church at 23 Franklin Street, at the corner of Arch Street, in Ansonia was built between 1900 and 1906: it does not appear on the 1900 Sanborn insurance map, but does appear on the 1906 Sanborn map, where it is labeled “Swedish Church.” In recent years it was the Evangelical Baptist Church (founded in 1958). It was placed on the market in August 2015 and was sold last July. It is now I Am That I Am Ministries Inc.
I Am That I Am Ministries (1906)
Is the house behind it at 8 arch st part of the same lot or was it ever affiliated with the church in any way?
The reverend Charles Wigren lived there early 1900’s. He married my great great Aunt Lydia Johnson 1919 who’s family lived around the corner on Franklin and my great great grandparents were from Sweden and Lydias sister Elmira was the first to be married there.