The construction of the craftsman-style shingled bungalow at 20 Cove Street in Noank is described in an article in The Day (of New London) from July 2, 1909:
George MacDonald may well be proud of the general appearance of the cottage which he has recently built for Mrs. Harriet Arnold of New York city. The location is one of the finest in the village, being situated on the shore of the west cove and commanding a view of Fishers Island sound. The cottage although not thatched is of the bungalow plan and contains six large rooms, besides butler’s pantry and baths and covers quite a space of ground. The broad piazza will be a source of much comfort and convenience. The interior is finished in hard wood and the open rafters add to the attractiveness. The open fire place and outside chimneys, built of cobblestones, are also pleasing features. The cottage is equipped with all the improvements and the grounds although not extensive are among the finest in town. Freeman Rogers had the contract for decorating the interior. Mrs. Arnold and family are expected to arrive as soon as all work is finished.
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