The George W. Phelps House, located at 53 Park Place West in Winsted, was possibly built in 1897. In an 1880 directory, Phelps’ address is given as 13 Park Place. Once called “Park Cottage,” it is a grand example of the Gothic Revival and Stick styles of architecture.
George W. Phelps House (1897)
The Phelps house brought this up.
Back in the mid 60’s my family moved into 39 S. Main st. Winsted 06098.
We acquired various garden equipment marked with the Phelps name branded{?} into the handles.
I guess that was the final site of the farmhouse for that area.
Back then it was all wooded from the back wall of that property until the developed end of Holabird ave.
The woods had piles of rocks {from clearing fields} lined up delineating what would have been the borders of fields. Most of the woods were not old growth.
Just wonder if that was the source of funds for the “Park Cottage”. That’s a big cottage.
I don’t check my mail all that often. {boomer}