At 76 Prospect Street in Rockville (Vernon) is the 1893 mansion built for George Sykes. It was the first in a series of Queen Anne-style homes built for the owners of Rockville‘s textile mills. George Sykes came to America from Britain as a boy and from early on worked his way up in the textile industry. In 1866, at the age of 26, he came to Rockville to manage Hockanum Company mill, of which he was later president.
George Sykes House (1893)
I love the picture and what a treat! He was my great grandfather! I am very proud of him. I am the granddaughter of his daughter Eva Louise Sykes.
I grew up in George Sykes other property at 21 Ellington Ave that straddles the town line of rockville and Ellington. There are “GS” initials all through the house, from custom wordwork and wall paper, to ornate soup holders on the claw foot tubs. Really cool and nice home to grow up in.
Hi Vin, this home (21 Ellington Ave.) is for sale now and I wanted to ask you a question RE it, can we speak? Since you used to live there, you would know the house pretty well! My email is mohsen.medhatyoussef@gmail.com