Founded in 1906 by Alfred C. Fuller (whose 1917 house still stands on Prospect Avenue in Hartford), the Fuller Brush Company, famous for its door-to-door salesmen, was located in Hartford until the 1960s. The company built a factory at 3580 Main Street in Hartford in 1922-1923. On March 31, 1923, as it was nearing completion, a 56,000-gallon water tank dropped through 4 concrete floors of the factory’s tower, a disaster in which ten people were killed. The tower was eventually rebuilt. Today, the former factory contains employment and social service agencies. This building is mentioned on p. 180 of my book, A Guide to Historic Hartford, Connecticut.
My Dad. Hank Whitman, worked for Fuller Brush Co. for years in Hartford, Ct. all the way to Great Bend, Ka. I remember as a kid going to the Christmas party at the Bushnell Theater in Hartford. A.C. use to dress up as Santa.
I have a Very nice portrait of A. C. Fuller dressed in a suit sitting at his office desk that my father had and I kept after his passing. I have been looking for a home for it ever since. Don’t know any Fullers so I can’t send it to them. Would you like it or know someone that would like it
To: Ralph Whitman
My father too worked for the fuller brush company for many years. I think he was friends with your father. I do recall the name hank Whitman. My fathers name is David pregozen. My dad is alive and doing well. He is 91 years young. You brought up the bushnell Christmas party. You jogged my memory. Looked forward to it. If you have a copy of Alfred fuller my dad would get a kick out of it. We didnt go to Kansas for various reasons. My parents live in jersey. Thanks for the memory. Susan
Both my parents and uncle worked at FB. We lived in a brick colonial across the street, now gone. Next door was the FB Club House, a large brown Victorian house with wrap-around porch. I’m trying to find a picture of the house…I remember VE Day when Mr. Fuller sent everyone home to return with family for a huge celebration. Anyone who could do anything was invited to entertain; my mother, of course, lost no time in putting me in my costume to sing and dance. I have the picture!
To Ralph Whitman:
In researching VE Day at the clubhouse, I came across your father’s name: “The Research Division was there [East Hartford], led by Hank Whitman….” Wikipedia.
My mother, Helen OBrien, worked at the Fuller Brush Co. in Hartford right after high school in 1945. I believe Fuller had a girls softball team and I think I have a photo. When the company moved to their East Hartford location, she worked in their personnel office until they relocated to Kansas. She loved working at Fuller Brush.
Does anyone know if any business went into the Fuller Brush Building after Fuller Brush left?