The building at 26 Park Place in Rockville in Vernon, which now serves as a Senior Center, was originally dedicated in 1867 as a Methodist Episcopal Church. As related in William T. Cogswell’s History of Rockville (1872):
During the years from 1850 to 1860, the Methodist[s] built a comfortable meetinghouse in West street. This house took fire and burned on a Sabbath morning. The German Lutheran Church was a Baptist Church till after the Methodist Church burned. It was bought and occupied by the Methodist society up to the time of building the present Methodist Episcopal Church.
According to A Century of Vernon, Connecticut, 1808-1908, published in 1911:
The first service in the vestry of the new church was held on June 16, 1867. It was a love feast. The bell was raised to its place in the tower June 28, 1867. The vestry was inadequate to accommodate the congregations and the audience room of the church was dedicated on Tuesday, November 26, 1867, Bishop Simpson preaching the sermon.
The church was built in what was then a rapidly developing commercial area and the first floor originally contained the People’s Savings Bank. As further related in A Century of Vernon:
From the time that Messrs. White and Corbin took the front basement rooms of the church, long used as banks, it was the intention of those gentlemen that this property should revert to the trustees of the church. When Cyrus White died this had not been attended to and Lewis A. Corbin bought the banks. The subject was frequently mentioned by pastors and others, but it was not until the pastorate of Rev. W. J. Yates that it was definitely arranged. Then Mr. Corbin executed deeds which are duly recorded, conveying the banks to the trustees. He reserved the income during his life. Then a portion was reserved for a fund for contingencies, but at last all the income goes to the trustees. Certain annual contributions to benevolent interests are provided for and the balance may be used for the current expenses of the church.
The former church no longer has its original two steeples.
Can you tell me what year this building stopped being a church? My grandfather was the minister at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Rockville CT in 1927 and I would like to know if this was his church at the time. Thanks
I’m not sure when it ceased being used as a church.