The Shaker community in Enfield (not to be confused with the Shakers of Enfield, New Hampshire) was established in 1792 and survived until 1917. 100 buildings were once a part of the Enfield Shaker Village, of which only 15 survive today. Living communally, the Shakers in Enfield grew to include five family complexes. The residence building of the South Family, on Cybulski Road, survives today. It is a three and a half story brick building with a wooden belfry. It has been converted into a private residence. There are other adjacent surviving Shaker buildings.

Behind the Residence is the wash house, a long structure built in 1858. It is in the center of the above image. The interior once contained large laundry vats and an open attic for drying laundry on lines. On the far right, in the image above, is the 1863 board-and-batten ice house.

Across the street from the South Family Residence is the South Family Dairy. It is a brick structure with limestone trim, now a residence and greatly altered inside.
There is another Shaker residence on Shaker Road, across from the prison farm, which is owned by the state. My Dad was a captain at the prison farm, and as such, our family lived in that house from 1962 to 1968 (approximately). It’s my understanding that the original house was one room, which is now the living room. The Shaker schoolhouse, which was town down in the 1960’s, along with a few other buildings across the street, was located next door. Once our family moved out, at least one other family lived there, but eventually I was told it was used as the transporation center. I believe it’s empty now, and the last time I saw it, weeds were growing from the gutters! Such a sad sight to see! It was a beautiful home, and I have so many wonderful memories of living there. I live in California now, and when I go back to Enfield to visit friends and family, I always drive by to see what condition the house is in. I pray the state doesn’t tear it down.
A side note: I was best friends with Lois Cybulski, whose family lived in the meeting house. I’ve always wondered if the family still lives there.
Thanks for listening.
Paulette (Gauvin) Rand
Hi Paulette
I too lived in a Shaker home near the railroad tracks. We had 7 acres of property with a dairy barn and small cattle barn near the house. I am still friends with the Cybulski family. Charles and his family live in the same brick home.
In 1958 a fire burned the dairy barn to the ground. I remember that. We moved out of our home in 1971 and after that the home was never taken care of. Eventually it was used as a practice burn house for the Hazardville Fire Dept. I’m trying to find a picture of our old home. The shakers had a prayer room on the second floor and in the attic were hundreds of Shaker books and journals.
Such a shame that the state of CT does not preserve and protect this historic Shaker property.
I understand, but- don’t forgive the lack of foresight of the town of Enfield, years ago, but find it hard to grant the same pass to the state of Connecticut today, knowing the uniqueness of this irreplaceable property.
Thank you to above contributors for sharing their interesting experiences.